Bạn đã hiểu rõ vể chất ngăn mồ hôi và chất khử mùi chưa?

Do you understand antiperspirants and deodorants?

Deodorants and antiperspirants are commonly used to reduce body odor. However, not everyone knows the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. If users do not clearly understand each type o...
Mách bạn 4 sai lầm khi sử dụng lăn khử mùi cơ thể

Tell you 4 mistakes when using body deodorant

We often have the habit of using underarm deodorant after showering or in the morning before leaving the house. However, we don't know that we are using deodorant the wrong way. So how to use under...
Mùi cơ thể trong ngày đèn đỏ: Nguyên nhân và giải pháp dành cho bạn

Body odor during red periods: Causes and solutions for you

On the "red light day", women often have to face many unpleasant problems such as cramps, abdominal pain, bad odor from menstruation, etc. Smelling menstruation is not an unusual problem, however Y...
Mùi cơ thể nói lên điều gì? Khám phá cách trị mùi hôi cơ thể

What does body odor say? Discover how to treat body odor

Body odor is an important topic in our daily lives. Each person has a unique fragrance emanating from their body, and this smell can say a lot about our health and emotions. In this article, APi wi...
Mách bạn 7 cách trị mùi hôi cơ thể vào những ngày hè nóng bức

Tell you 7 ways to treat body odor on hot summer days

Hot summer days not only make us tired, but also cause many other problems such as body odor. This is a common problem and can cause discomfort, especially in public settings. However, don't worry ...
Mách bạn công dụng chữa hôi nách bằng mướp đắng đơn giản tại nhà

Tell you how to treat underarm odor with bitter melon simply at home

Underarm odor is a fairly common problem that many people face. Although not harmful to health, the odor from the armpit area can cause discomfort and self-consciousness. Luckily, there is a simpl...
6 mẹo dùng hương quế khử mùi cơ thể cho bạn tự tin khoe cá tính

6 tips for using cinnamon to deodorize your body so you can confidently show off your personality

One problem that cannot be ignored that makes many people lose confidence is body odor. However, you don't need to worry anymore because there is a natural and effective solution to eliminate body ...
Bật mí cho bạn cách trị hôi nách bằng nha đam đơn giản tại nhà

Revealing to you a simple way to treat underarm odor with aloe vera at home

Aloe vera is not only a plant that heals the skin, but is also an effective method to treat underarm odor. With its antibacterial and cleansing properties, aloe vera can help remove odor from the a...
Bỏ túi bạn cách trị hôi nách bằng cây xô thơm cực đơn giản

Learn how to treat underarm odor with sage very simply

Underarm odor is a condition where sweat creates an unpleasant odor from the armpit area. This is a common problem that many people face. In this article, we will learn about the effects of sage to...