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Learn how to treat underarm odor with sage very simply

Underarm odor is a condition where sweat creates an unpleasant odor from the armpit area. This is a common problem that many people face. In this article, we will learn about the effects of sage to treat underarm odor and how to use it effectively. Let's read for more information and uses of sage from APi - Body odor .

Overview of sage

What is sage?

Sage, also known as bitter coriander, coriander, or fragrant plant, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. This is a herbaceous plant native to tropical and subtropical areas such as Southeast Asia and southern India. Sage plants usually grow from 30 to 100 cm in height. Its leaves are large, fat, dark green, have a characteristic aroma and are a bit spicy.

What is sage?

Sage can be grown in pots or in the garden, and is often used in cuisine and folk medicine. The chemical components in sage leaves include aromatic oils, flavonoids, phenolics, organic acids and antioxidants. Thanks to these substances, sage has a number of beneficial health effects. Sage has quite versatile effects in treatment and health care. The leaves of the sage plant are naturally fragrant and contain many beneficial ingredients for the body.

Uses of sage

Sage (Plectranthus amboinicus) has many anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects and reduces allergy symptoms. Sage leaves contain substances that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, helping to prevent the growth of disease-causing bacteria and fungi. At the same time, the anti-inflammatory properties of sage help reduce inflammation and soothe inflammatory symptoms.

Effects of sage

The antioxidants in sage help protect cells from free radical damage and prevent oxidation-related diseases. In particular, sage is also used to soothe, deodorize the body, and regenerate the skin thanks to its vegetable oils and vitamins A and C. With these versatile effects, sage becomes a a popular choice in health care and therapy.

Where to buy sage leaves?

Sage leaves can be purchased at many different locations to meet your needs. You can find sage leaves at grocery stores, markets, or health centers. They are often sold in the raw vegetables section. You can also visit flower markets and garden stores to buy sage and plant it in your garden.

Where to buy sage leaves?

Additionally, buying sage online is also a convenient option, with many websites and online stores specializing in sage and related products. Before buying, check the quality of the sage leaves, choosing leaves that are fresh and show no signs of damage. If possible, choose organic sage to ensure quality and no pesticides used.

Instructions on how to treat underarm odor with sage

Sage is a natural and safe method to treat underarm odor. Here are some ways to use sage to eliminate underarm odor.

Drink sage every day

Drinking sage water daily can be an aid in controlling odors from within the body. Here are instructions for preparing sage water:

Step 1: Wash and dry some sage leaves. You can use about 5-6 leaves or adjust according to personal preference.

Step 2: Heat water until it boils, then turn off the stove and let the water cool for about 1-2 minutes.

Step 3: Add sage leaves to warm water and let the water absorb the scent from the leaves for about 5-10 minutes.

Step 4: Then, you can filter out the sage leaves or leave the leaves in water and drink with water. Try to drink at least one glass of sage water every day to support the process of controlling armpit odor and effectively treating armpit sweat .

In addition to helping relieve odors, sage water may also provide some health benefits such as bacteria reduction and anti-inflammatory effects. To treat underarm odor quickly and effectively, you can combine using armpit lipstick to quickly eliminate body odor.

Drink sage every day

Boil sage water to wash your armpits

Another way to use sage to treat underarm odor is to boil sage water to wash your armpits every day. To do this, you need to prepare a pot of boiling water and add some sage leaves to it. Wait for the water to have a light yellow color and a strong scent of sage. Then, let the sage water cool naturally and use it to wash your armpits during the bath.

Boil sage water to wash your armpits

Some other natural methods of eliminating armpit odor

Besides sage, there are many other natural methods to eliminate underarm odor. Here are some examples:

  • Use apple cider vinegar: The mixture of water and apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties and soothes the skin. You can mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water, then use a bath sponge dipped in this mixture and wipe the armpit area. Apple cider vinegar also helps regulate skin pH, reducing sweat and odor.
  • Baking soda: Is an effective natural deodorant. You can sprinkle a little baking soda on your hands and apply it to the wet armpit area. Massage the armpit area gently for a few minutes, then rinse with water. In addition to baking soda to treat underarm odor , it also has the ability to absorb moisture and create a dry feeling for the armpit area.

Some other natural methods of eliminating armpit odor

  • Natural deodorants: There are many different natural substances that can deodorize underarm odors, such as rock salt, cajuput, mint leaves, or tea tree oil. You can use these substances by applying them to your armpits after bathing.

Sage is a natural and safe choice for treating underarm odor. With antibacterial, deodorizing and skin-soothing properties, they help eliminate odors and provide a fresh feeling. Try applying the above methods to take advantage of the benefits of sage and have a clean armpit area and be more confident in everyday life!